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Let's demystify harmful beliefs about feminine issues.

Knowledge gives us security and peace of mind. It is reflected in our whole being and makes us a better person, a better woman.

Welcome, make yourself comfortable.


I'm here for you.

Hello, I am Dr. Nataly Cifuentes, but everyone knows me as Dr. Naty. I am a Colombian doctor, gynecologist, and obstetrician, Magister in nutrition and hormones for women, but even more importantly, I am the wife and mother of Valentina and Santiago. My passion is to teach women how to take care of themselves in each of our cycles, that is why I dedicate my life to women’s health education through I am a better woman, a digital media platform to educate Women, make them aware of their self-care and protagonists of their health.

Book counseling


Being a woman means being many things.

That is why I have prepared for you some information and guides that could help you conquer this universe that means to be a better woman.


Subscribe to the video blog!

Subscribe to my video blog, and I will explain how to take care of your intimate health, your body, and your hormones throughout all our cycles.

talleres naty

Workshops, guides, and more

Let’s walk together the way back to you, the one that you will never regret because by walking it, you will learn about your intimate care, your hormonal processes during childhood, adolescence, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, and much more.

asesorias soy naty

Personal counseling

Do you want me to be your gynecologist? Let’s be a team! I can advise you in all stages of your life as a woman, planning each stage with you and reaching the next with all the empowerment that knowledge gives. Schedule your appointment here.


What my patients share

I was fortunate to speak with Michelle and Paola. They are amazing women! Check out the beautiful videos they shared with me.

Michelle Posada - @michiswellness
Paola Barrios


Don't miss daily tips and videos

As a wife, mother and gynecologist committed to the well-being of women; I want to give you useful and clear information.

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